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A string representing the json type.


A string representing the yaml type.


A string representing the toml type.


A string representing the ini type.


A string representing the dotenv type.


A string representing the python type.


A dict where the key is a file type (the types listed above) and the value is the list of extensions supported for this file type.



Signature: (self, mapping_files: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, files: List[str] = None, ignore_file_absence: bool = False, **kwargs)


  • mapping_files: A mapping where the key is the type of the file and the value is the list of files to be loaded from the lowest to the highest priority.
  • files: A list of files to be loaded from the lowest to the highest priority. The file extension is mandatory here unlike the previous parameter.
  • ignore_file_absence: If set to False, when a file in the list does not exist, a FileNotFoundError will be raised. If set to True, no exception will be raised. By default, it is False.
  • kwargs: keyword arguments which will be added as default values to the Config object.


Signature: getenv(key: str, default: Any = None, converter: Callable = None) -> Any

Retrieves an environment variable. If the variable does not exist, it returns the default value which is None by default.

It also accepts a converter callable to convert the string to a suitable variable. There are some examples further down the page.


  • key: The name of the environment variable.


Signature: load_from_object(obj: Union[Object, str]) -> None

Loads values from a python object or a string corresponding to a path of a module (dotted notation). Only uppercase attributes of the corresponding object will be loaded.


  • obj: It can be an object (other than a dict) or a string representing a path to a project module with dotted notation.


Signature: load_from_python_file(filename: str, ignore_file_absence: bool = False) -> bool

Loads values from an arbitrary python file. Ideally the python file must be outside the project. Only uppercase attributes of the module will be loaded. It returns True if the operation was successful and False otherwise.


  • filename: The path to the python file.
  • ignore_file_absence: If set to True, no FileNotFoundError will be raised, if False an error will be raised. It is False by default.


Signature: load_from_json(filename: str, ignore_file_absence: bool = False) -> bool

Loads values from a json file. Uppercase and lowercase attributes will be loaded. It returns True if the operation was successful and False otherwise.


  • filename: The path to the json file.
  • ignore_file_absence: If set to True, no FileNotFoundError will be raised, if False an error will be raised. It is False by default.


Signature: load_from_yaml(filename: str, ignore_file_absence: bool = False) -> bool

Loads values from a yaml file. Uppercase and lowercase attributes will be loaded. It returns True if the operation was successful and False otherwise.


  • filename: The path to the yaml file.
  • ignore_file_absence: If set to True, no FileNotFoundError will be raised, if False an error will be raised. It is False by default.


Signature: load_from_toml(filenames: Union[str, List[str]], ignore_file_absence: bool = False) -> bool:

Loads values from a single toml file or a list of toml files. Uppercase and lowercase attributes will be loaded. It returns True if the operation was successful and False otherwise.


  • filenames: It can be a path to a toml file or a list of toml file paths.
  • ignore_file_absence: If set to True, no FileNotFoundError will be raised if a file does not exist, if False an error will be raised. It is False by default.


Signature: load_from_ini(filenames: Union[str, List], ignore_file_absence: bool = False, interpolation_method: str = 'basic') -> bool:

Loads values from a single ini file or a list of ini files. Uppercase and lowercase attributes will be loaded. It returns True if the operation was successful and False otherwise.


  • filenames: It can be a path to an ini file or a list of ini file paths.
  • ignore_file_absence: If set to True, no FileNotFoundError will be raised if a file does not exist, if False an error will be raised. It is False by default.
  • interpolation_method: A string that can take the value basic or extended. It represents the interpolation used to load values.


Signature: load_from_dotenv(filename: str, ignore_file_absence: bool = False) -> bool

Loads values from a dotenv file. The lines of the file can start with an optional export or set command which will be ignored when parsing. It comes in handy when you want to use the file as a PowerShell or bash script. It returns True if the operation was successful and False otherwise.


  • filename: The path to the dotenv file.
  • ignore_file_absence: If set to True, no FileNotFoundError will be raised, if False an error will be raised. It is False by default.


Signature: load_from_mapping_files(mapping_files: Dict[str, List[str]] = None, ignore_file_absence: bool = False) -> bool

Loads values from a mapping of files. It returns True if the operation was successful and False otherwise.


  • mapping_files: A mapping where the key is the type of the file and the value is the list of files to be loaded from the lowest to the highest priority.
  • ignore_file_absence: If set to True, no FileNotFoundError will be raised if a file does not exist, if False an error will be raised. It is False by default.


Signature: load_from_files(filenames: List[str] = None, ignore_file_absence: bool = False) -> bool

Loads values from a list of files. The files must end with an extension supported by configuror. You can look the variable EXTENSIONS to know all valid file formats and extensions. It returns True if the operation was successful and False otherwise.


  • filenames: A list of files to be loaded from the lowest to the highest priority.
  • ignore_file_absence: If set to True, no FileNotFoundError will be raised if a file does not exist, if False an error will be raised. It is False by default.


Signature: get_dict_from_namespace(namespace: str, lowercase: bool = True, trim_namespace: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]

Returns a dictionary that contains a subset of configuration options that matched the specified namespace.


  • namespace: A configuration namespace.
  • trim_namespace: A flag indicating if the keys of the resulting dictionary should not include the namespace. It is True by default.
  • lowercase: A flag indicating if the keys of the resulting dictionary should be lowercase. It is True by default.


These functions are especially useful in combination with Config.getenv.


Signature: bool_converter(value: str) -> bool

It is a convenient wrapper around the bool builtin function that converts string no, n, 0, false to False. Those values are case-insensitive. Other values are passed to bool function.

from configuror import Config, bool_converter
# assuming we set environment variable DEBUG to no
config = Config()
debug = config.getenv('DEBUG', converter=bool_converter)  # debug is False


Signature: string_list(value: str) -> List[str]

Converts a string to convert to a list of strings. Possible separators are space, ;, , and :. Note that separators other than space can be followed by one or more... spaces!

from configuror import Config, string_list
# assuming we set environment variable FRUITS to "bananas, pineapples"
config = Config()
fruits = config.getenv('FRUITS', converter=string_list)  # fruits = ['bananas', 'pineapples']


Signature: int_list(value: str) -> List[int]

Converts a string to convert to a list of integers. Possible separators are space, ;, , and :. Note that separators other than space can be followed by one or more... spaces!

from configuror import Config, int_list
# assuming we set environment variable VALUES to "2, 5, 7"
config = Config()
values = config.getenv('VALUES', converter=int_list)  # values = [2, 5, 7]


Signature: float_list(value: str) -> List[float]

Converts a string to convert to a list of floats. Possible separators are space, ;, , and :. Note that separators other than space can be followed by one or more... spaces!

from configuror import Config, float_list
# assuming we set environment variable VALUES to "3, 5.2"
config = Config()
values = config.getenv('VALUES', converter=float_list)  # values = [3.0, 5.2]


Signature: decimal_list(value: str) -> List[Decimal]

Converts a string to convert to a list of Decimal. Possible separators are space, ;, , and :. Note that separators other than space can be followed by one or more... spaces!

from configuror import Config, decimal_list
# assuming we set environment variable VALUES to "3; 5.2"
config = Config()
values = config.getenv('VALUES', converter=decimal_list)  # values = [Decimal('3'), Decimal('5.2')]


Signature: path_list(value: str) -> List[Path]

Converts a string to convert to a list of Path. Possible separators are space, ;, , and :. Note that separators other than space can be followed by one or more... spaces!

from configuror import Config, path_list
# assuming we set environment variable PATHS to "/tmp/bar:/usr/bin/python"
config = Config()
paths = config.getenv('PATHS', converter=path_list)  # paths = [Path('/tmp/bar'), Path('/usr/bin/python')]



The base exception.


This exception is raised when a file cannot be decode in a given format.


This exception is raised when a file extension is not supported.